You have a great idea. Is patenting the best way to protect it? How much do patents cost? How do you find out if your idea is patentable?
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Robert M. Hunter, Ph.D.
Registered Patent Agent |
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Dr. Hunter participates in local and regional economic development activities on a regular basis. Materials from some of his recent talks on inventing, patents, licensing and obtaining seed capital are presented below.
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PATENTS AND THE ORCHID BUSINESS--Hawaii Orchid Growers Annual Meeting--Hilo, HI, January 26, 2002
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY--National Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Fall Conference--Rapid City, SD, October 25, 2001; and Seventh Biennial Hawaii SBIR/STTR Conference-- Waikiki Beach Resort (Oahu), HI, October 29, 2001; Renaissance Wailea (Maui), HI, October 30, 2001; Outrigger Waikoloa (Hawaii), HI, November 1, 2001; Kauai Marriot (Kauai), HI, November 2, 2001
NEGOTIATION OF LICENSING & SALES AGREEMENTS--National Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Fall Conference--Rapid City, SD, October 26, 2001
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY--Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funding and Intellectual Property Issues--UH, Honolulu, HI, August 21, 2001; UH, Hilo, HI, March 19, 2002
THE SBIR PATENT PROCESS--Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Funds and Patent Issues--Honolulu, HI, May 19, 2000 and Bozeman, MT, November 9, 2000
LESSONS FROM EXPERIENCE--Winning from Health session at Project SBIR West Conference and Annual Meeting Diner, Phoenix, AZ, November 20, 1999
PATENTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY--Winning from Health session at Project SBIR West Conference and Annual Meeting Diner, Phoenix, AZ, November 20, 1999
What is intellectual property?
How is intellectual property protected?
What are the types of intellectual property protection?
When is seeking patent protection appropriate?
SUCCEEDING AT SBIR IN A RURAL AREA--SBIR West Workshop at National SBIR Conference, Billings, MT, May 16, 1999
THE ALCHEMY OF INNOVATION: TRANSFORMING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INTO WEALTH--Dakota State University Intellectual Property Management Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, March 29, 1999
What is intellectual property?
How is intellectual property protected?
What are the types of intellectual property protection?
When is seeking patent protection appropriate?
What are the kinds of patent applications?
How is the value of intellectual property estimated?
FOCUS ON INVENTIONS: EVALUATION, PROTECTION AND EXPLOITATION--Dakota State University Intellectual Property Management Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, March 29, 1999
Patentability: subject matter issues
Patentability: novelty issues (continued)
Patentability: nonobviousness issues
Novelty: common mistakes (continued)
How to conduct a novelty search
Invention reporting requirements
Preparing an invention disclosure
CASE STUDIES IN COMMERCIALIZING SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH--Dakota State University Intellectual Property Management Conference, Sioux Falls, SD, March 29, 1999
DataGator flow metering technology
DataGator flow metering technology (cont)
DataGator commercialization timeline
WiseCap child-resistant packaging technology
WiseCap child-resistant packaging technology (cont)
INVENTING AS A CAREER--Waimea Intermediate School Career Fair, Kamuela, HI, March 3, 1999, March 15, 2000 and March 20, 2002
SBIR and STTT from A to Z--a presentation about competing in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs that Dr. Hunter delivers regularly
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