Law - Preferred Embodiment(s) of the Invention
The description of the preferred embodiment(s) is the heart of the disclosure. Here, a written description of the invention and a description of the process of making and using the invention are
presented. At least one, and preferably several, preferred embodiments (at least one of which is called the "best mode") of the invention are described in great detail.
In the typical case of a biotechnology invention involving molecular biology or genetic engineering, the following descriptive material may be appropriate for inclusion in an invention
disclosure, if applicable:
Identification of any DNA sources, including accession numbers and addresses of
Procedure used to isolate and purify any gene(s),
Procedure used to synthesize and label any probe(s),
Procedure used to prepare any genomic or cDNA libraries,
Procedure used to enrich any DNA of interest,
Procedure and conditions of hybridization,
Procedure used for cloning,
Procedure used for characterizing clones,
Procedure used to construct vector(s),
Identification and sources of preferred and alternative cloning vectors, promoters,
terminators, etcetera,
Preferred and other host cells for transformation, including accession numbers and addresses of depositories,
Preferred culture conditions,
Procedures for purification of protein(s),
Procedures for incorporating the protein into useful product(s), and
Nature and source of all trademarked material used in making the invention.
MPEP 608 - Disclosure
MPEP 608.01 - Specification
MPEP 608.01(a) - Arrangement of Application
MPEP 608.01(g) - Detailed Description of Invention
MPEP 2164 - The Enablement Requirement
MPEP 2164.01 - Test of Enablement
MPEP 2164.03 - Relationship of Predictability of the Art and the Enablement Requirement
MPEP 2164.05(a) - Specification Must Be Enabling as of the Filing Date
MPEP 2164.05(b) - Specification Must Be Enabling to Persons Skilled in the Art
MPEP 2164.06 - Examples of Enablement Issues
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