You have a great idea. Is patenting the best way to protect it? How much do patents cost? How do you find out if your idea is patentable?
Robert M. Hunter Registered Patent Agent Robert M. Hunter, Ph.D.

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The following table presents the results of a survey of the cost of recent projects. It is evident that the cost of patent services is a function of the complexity of the invention. It is also evident that rush projects cost more.

Task Nature of invention and disclosure Size Cost
Novelty search Mechanical invention 8 example claims on 3 pages, frequent coordination with inventor $1,000
Novelty search plus
patentability evaluation
Straight-forward mechanical invention drafted 7 example claims on 2 pages $900
Novelty search Straight-forward mechanical invention drafted 5 example claims on 1 page $600
Novelty search Electro-mechanical invention used provisional to focus search $1,000
Novelty search Straight-forward mechanical invention drafted 7 example claims on 3 pages $900
Novelty search Straight-forward mechanical invention drafted 11 example claims on 2 pages $800
Novelty search Biotechnology invention drafted 9 example claims on 2 pages $1,800
Patentability opinion Straight-forward mechanical invention; reviewed 1 reference 2 pages $500
Provisional patent application (draft) Straight-forward mechanical invention; drawings prepared by inventor 24 pages; 15 drawings on 2 sheets $1,300
Provisional patent application Software invention; based on patentability analysis; informal drawings prepared by inventor 124 pages; 33 drawings on 33 sheets $4,100
Provisional patent application Software invention; much of text and informal drawings prepared by inventor 51 pages; 11 drawings on 11 sheets $1,400
Provisional patent application Straight-forward mechanical invention; annotated informal drawings prepared by inventor 15 pages; 8 drawings on 8 sheets $1,300
Provisional patent application Mechanical invention 20 pages; 17 drawings on 5 sheets $1,200
Provisional patent application Biotechnology invention; annotated informal drawings prepared by inventor 19 pages; 4 drawings on 4 sheets $1,600
Provisional patent application Straight-forward mechanical invention; annotated informal drawings prepared by inventor 10 pages; 8 drawings on 5 sheets $1,200
Provisional patent application Electro-mechanical invention plus operating software 44 pages; 11 drawings on 11 sheets $2,100
Provisional patent application Electro-mechanical invention; annotated informal drawings prepared by inventor 17 pages; 15 drawings on 11 sheets $1,900
Regular patent application Electro-mechanical invention plus operating software; based on provisional and results of novelty search with few changes to text and drawings 52 pages; 12 drawings on 7 sheets $2,600
Regular patent application Software invention; based on provisional and results of novelty search; formal drawings prepared by inventor; inventor added a substantial amount of information to the application less than a week before filing deadline 142 pages; 12 drawings on 12 sheets $8,100
Regular patent application Electro-mechanical invention plus operating software; based on provisional, results of novelty search and patentability analysis; drafter converted mechanical drawings to patent drawings and created new software block diagrams; inventor changed subject matter on every drawing in the provisional less than a week before filing deadline 61 pages; 51 drawings on 19 sheets $8,400
Amendments (3); issue fee Straight-forward mechanical invention 20 + 11 + 1 = 32 pages $1,500
Amendment; formal drawings Straight-forward mechanical invention; application prepared by inventor 10 pages; 2 drawings on 2 sheets $1,500
Amendment; formal drawings; issue fee Straight-forward mechanical invention 2 pages; 4 drawings on 4 sheets $1,300

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